Surgical laser devices have revolutionized many areas of medical treatment, and vision is no exception. The LASIK procedure frees many patients from the use of glasses or contacts to correct their eye’s focusing issues. With Dr. Edward Fries’s consultation at Decatur Eye Center, we can help you benefit from the latest in LASIK technology. Call or schedule an appointment online to see if you’re a candidate for LASIK eye surgery.

LASIK Eye Surgery Q & A

by Edward H. Fries, MS, OD

What is LASIK eye surgery?

Short for laser assisted in situ keratomileuses, LASIK is the most common type of laser eye surgery performed today. The LASIK procedure reshapes your cornea to correct the natural aberrations that cause focus problems that require corrective lenses. LASIK can flatten the shape of the cornea to correct farsightedness, or it can make the cornea more round to repair nearsightedness. Astigmatism is caused by an irregular shape of the cornea, and LASIK can smooth these irregularities out.

LASIK uses an excimer laser, an ultraviolet laser that can vibrate at highly efficient frequencies, suitable for the precision required for eye surgery. Computers control excimer lasers to accurately remove tissue from the cornea to achieve the proper shape.

What can I expect during LASIK surgery?

After your initial consultation with Dr. Fries, we will schedule you to meet with our surgeon in the office once it’s been determined that the next step is to proceed with surgery. Dr. Heather Winslow is a board-certified Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The surgery will be performed at the Dallas Surgery Center.

LASIK procedures done by Dr. Fries at the Decatur Eye Center are outpatient treatments. The actual laser surgery usually takes about 15 minutes to treat both eyes, but you’ll likely be in the office for about 2 hours.

To prepare for the procedure, you’ll receive anesthetic eye drops to numb your eyes, as well as oral medication to help you relax. Next, you’re seated in a chair like those found in dentists’ offices, so you’ll be comfortable as Dr. Winslow works. Then your eyelids are held open with a special tool to prevent blinking from interfering with the procedure. You’ll feel mild pressure from another device that stabilizes your eye to assure precision. Dr. Winslow cuts a flap in the cornea that’s pulled back to make the lens accessible. Blurry vision is normal at this point, so don’t worry if you experience this. The computer-controlled laser makes a clicking sound, and you may feel more pressure during the reshaping, but there’s no pain. Once reshaping is complete, Dr. Winslow replaces the cornea flap. It stays in place and heals quickly.

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Heather Winslow.

What happens after the surgery?

Following a quick post-procedure exam, you’d be able to leave the same day, but you’re not cleared to drive until your eyes are checked again the following day, so you’ll need to arrange transportation prior to your appointment.

There may be some discomfort after the surgery. This may be an itching or burning sensation, and your eyes may produce more tears than normal. You should have normal vision within about 8 hours of the procedure, though in some cases it may be months before full effects of the surgery are achieved.